Although medical billing and coding are often used synonymously they are actually two very different careers that happen to share a cause and effect relationship. The two are better understood when addressed separately.
Medical coders: These are individuals who read medical charts, extract pertinent information, and assigns medical codes to each piece of information. Once the record is fully coded the process moves from the medical coder to the medical biller.
Medical billers: These are individuals who take the assigned medical codes and correctly populate them into a medical claim form. They then submits the claim form to the insurance company, appeal any denials, and collect payments made by both patients and insurance companies.
Billing and coding can be combined into one duty, but are often divided. Even when divided they continue to share a cause and effect relationship. This means that the decisions of the medical coder directly affects the medical biller and vice versa.
An example of this is when a medical coder selects an incorrect CPT or ICD-9 code. The medical biller will be given this code and will then submit it to the insurance company. As a result the claim will be denied causing the medical biller to submit an appeal.
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Common Medical Terminology Prefix, Root Word, and Suffix Handouts - The Official AAPC Proctor-to-Examinee Instructions (read out loud on the day of the exam)